Bull Sales & Semen Sires




Rennylea Semen Catalogue 2025

We have four proven older bulls available for stud and commercial use.

We have two younger sires especially suited to commercial heifer FTAI programmes. These bulls are available for Rennylea clients only and for commercial production only (no bull breeding).

These Rennylea bulls have been selected for performance, elite market suitability and wonderful maternal value. The dams of these bulls unique to the industry, they are fertile, functional with incredible carcase performance. We have genotyped every animal born in our herd over the last 8 years, as well as donor cows, every cow in the herd has a genomic profile.

These bulls’ traits will make steady progress in the traits that drive profit in a beef business. Genetic improvement is cumulative and permanent.

Each year we enter bulls in the Angus Sire Benchmarking Program. In 2017 G255 was confirmed as the superior carcase sire, topping the MSA index, and in 2018 H708 topped the group for carcase IMF and MSA index.

Please contact Ruth or Bryan if you would like to discuss any of the bulls further or to arrange a time to view any of them.

Click here to view the Rennylea Semen Catalogue.

Prices for the current Breeding Season

Commercial Herds

Up to 20 straws @ $50

21 straws to 100 @ $30

Over 100 straws @ $25

Seedstock Herds - Packages Only for Rennylea L519

25 straws @ $150 per straw

50 straws @ $100 per straw

100 straws @ $75 per straw


Seedstock Herds - Packages Only for Rennylea L508

25 straws @ $120 per straw

50 straws @ $80 per straw

100 straws @ $60 per straw

Seedstock Herds - Other Semen Sire

Minimum Package 25 straws @ $100 per straw

50 straws @ $80 per straw

100 straws @ $50 per straw


Bryan Corrigan: 0429 038 993

Ruth Corrigan: 0400 302 629

Email: semensales@rennylea.com.au

Semen Sires


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L519 was used at Rennylea as a yearling and sold at the 2017 spring sale to Booroomooka Angus for $36,000. 66 sons averaged $12,393 at the 2020 Booroomooka sale, $1754 above the sale average.

His Dam H414 is an outstanding donor with 131 progeny at Rennylea. We are using full brothers L508 and L467 in our own herd. She is exceptionally well structured and docile. L519's Maternal Grand Dam, NORC310 is a moderate framed Te Mania Unlimited daughter, still active in the Rennylea herd at 15 years. She has outstanding feet and legs, has never been flushed and is still top 7% for IMF.

L519 is now an industry legend who has been proven through the top performance herds in Australia. He has 4086 recorded progeny and has sold hundreds of sons at auction into the commercial industry. He is top 10% for all carcase traits; EMA, Rib, Rump and IMF. He has outstanding temperament and structure, his Docility EBV is in top 3% of the breed. He is top 3% for claw. He is top 4% for $A and top 6% for DTC.

See Image: L519 at 4.5 years old following joining at Booroomooka Angus in March 2020.


H708 combines two proven maternal lines from the Rennylea herd. His dam E176 (185 progeny) is the highest EMA cow in the breed and sire C511 is out of legendary performance cow W449 (137 progeny, IMF still top 1%). 

H708 has the ability to profoundly change carcase quality in one generation. H708 was proven through Cohort 5 of the Angus Sire Benchmarking Program. He topped the carcase performance with the highest carcase IMF in his progeny, the highest MSA marble score and the highest MSA index. H708 was still active at 9 years old and progeny are docile and sound structured. He is now +7.0 (top 1%) for IMF.

NOR G420 (APR) VTM B1 x NOR E528


Rennylea G420 is our proven and go to bull for commercial heifer programs. We have sold over 10,000 straws of this bull and semen is now limited.

The G420 progeny are consistently moderately framed, sound structured, heavily muscled and easy doing.

He is in the top 1% of the breed for CE Dir and top 3% CE dtrs. He is top 2% Rib, top 6% Rump and +3.1 for IMF. He is top 7% $A.

Sons have topped multiple Rennylea Bull Sales in recent years, selling up to $27,500.

We have 400 progeny in the Rennylea herd and daughters are highly fertile with good udder structure.



L508 is a full brother to L519 and a proven option for heifers by HPCA Intensity. He has been heavily used in commercial FTAI programs with excellent calving results.

At the 2020 Dunoon Spring sale a son Dunoon Prime Minister P758 topped at $140,000.

L508 is top 3% for CE Dtrs, and top 2% IMF at +5.5.

He has over 300 progeny in the Rennylea herd and is breeding well balanced females with good udders.

L508 is active at Rennylea and extremely docile and good footed at 8 years of age.

Heifer bulls available for current commercial FTAI programmes*

*Commercial semen only

*Semen price negotiable for large orders

NOR N128 (G420 x E176)

N128 is an excellent footed son out of proven donor E176 (185 progeny). N128 will moderate frame, he is easy doing, very quiet and well muscled.

He is a fail safe option of heifers with calving ease, moderate birth weight, excellent carcase and progeny have outstanding phenotype.

NOR P987 (M763 x M1184)

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Note bull pictured is sire M763.

P987 is a larger framed M763 son with excellent birthweight to growth ratio. He’s an excellent shouldered bull with a good topline and sound feet and legs. P987 is very positive for fat and a trait leader for marbling at +8.3 (3rd highest IMF sire on the AA database) and calving ease. He was a pick bull out of the P spring drop for type, calving ease and marbling. We are flushing donors to P987.